Diet rules and buckwheat porridge menu

how to follow buckwheat diet

Every home has a package of buckwheat semolina. We eat crumbly porridges with pleasure, we know about the beneficial properties.

Proper buckwheat diet is based on preserving vitamins, trace elements of "royal cereals" during cooking.

Buckwheat weight loss diet differs in length, acceptable products and "weight".

Conditions for achieving results, by dropping pounds

  • Say no to salt, butter, sugar. Completely excluded in buckwheat
  • Just semolina prepared in a gentle way. Cooking is not appropriate.
  • 1. 5 liters of water per day, therapeutic diet recommends 8 glasses, or 2 liters.
  • Do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.

First step. Every day

We are moving towards health when the miraculous porridge is already in our daily diet.

That buckwheat semolina, to which they are accustomed - fried, processing at high temperature. Hence its bright, nutty taste during cooking. It does not fully retain the benefits. However, the advantage is the familiar taste. It reduces the risk of reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, intolerance, present during the introduction of new products.

Live, green or white

This cereal is unprocessed, it is lighter than buckwheat. "Home remedies" are needed: thorough rinsing, recipes that preserve useful properties. Alive - literally, because unlike brown, the grain germinates like oats or wheat. Germs contain all the "buckwheat wealth".

Try to eat "healthy" buckwheat during the preparation cycle. Vegetable salads, fruits with the addition of green cereals, sprouts are known for their beneficial nutritional properties.

Step Two. Buckwheat porridge for diet

cooking buckwheat porridge for weight loss

Family porridge, generously seasoned with oil, supplemented with mushrooms, vegetables - this is not buckwheat that you need to lose weight.

Dietary food includes the use of porridges prepared by evaporation, cooking. It's time for easy cooking!


Pour boiling water over the semolina. They put the “chide” in a warm place, covering the pan with a blanket. Divide in the morning and eat throughout the day. There are no restrictions on the amount of porridge, unless the exact number is given in the selected method.

Another way. Cooking

Boil. Remove the fire. With the lid closed, steamed without additives.

Third step

Spend one day fasting on buckwheat and water or buckwheat and kefir. Then make a decision about the type and duration of the buckwheat diet.

Sprint distance. Three to five days

Mono buckwheat diet

Maximum duration: three days. Doctors do not recommend further "unloading"!

Cold cooked buckwheat and water. Other products are not included in the "classic" mono-diet, which is also used for fasting days.

Expected effect. It is assumed that the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins. Lose pounds - 2-4 kg per period.

If you feel a lack of energy

In medical nutrition dr. Laskina, known as a pioneer in the use of buckwheat in the medicinal diet, you will find such a drink to compensate for vitamin C, vigor: 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of boiled water with 1 tbsp. spoon of rosehip flour (pre-grind). Consume in the morning.

Green tea without sugar is allowed, perhaps with raisins (5-7 pieces per cup). Kefir 1% fat, a glass daily. In order not to disturb the diet - dried fruit, not more than 100 g per day.

I'm a stair! 7 days

Fermented buckwheat diet (3-7 days)

buckwheat diet for weight loss

A combination of the nutritional value of buckwheat and the cleansing properties of kefir. Pay attention to acidity.

If you are carrying milk, the milk version is fine:

  • Amount of kefir (fat-free) - no more than 1 liter per day.
  • Basis: steamed buckwheat in water, dishes from it (buckwheat cutlets, pans, pancakes). No salt, sugar, oil.

Allowed in small amounts in a seven-day strict diet:

  • fruit (not starchy, not sweet) - 2-3 times a week, 1 dose;
  • vegetables in the form of salad without topping and in its natural form 2-3 times a week. Greenery;
  • mineral water 1-2 times a week;
  • green tea. 5-10 grams of honey per week.

Partial meals, breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. Tea is drunk separately from the main meal (+/- 1 hour). Warm. Spices, sauces are excluded. Drinking regime 1, 5-2 liters of still water per day.

Juice blend (3-7 days)

The idea is to saturate the body with buckwheat and supply vitamins, trace elements from juices. Partial food. Water 1, 5-2 liters per day.

These are natural, freshly squeezed juices. Fresh juices are diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. It is important to know the reaction to fruit, vegetable and mixture juices. Diet can cause an allergic reaction.

  • Steamed buckwheat 300-400 g. Juice (instead of kefir) no more than 1 liter per day. Tomato juice + buckwheat is a special diet of the week.
  • Expected result: minus 3-5 kg ​​per week.
  • Restrictions. Intolerance. Duration longer than 7 days

With white meat (5-7 days)

Soft option. No muscle mass is lost. Feeling hungry, loss of energy is felt less.

Buckwheat in the morning, chicken fillet 100-150 g per day - lunch, afternoon. Drinks are planned in the same way as above. The fractional diet was preserved.

Up to 5 kg of plumbing in 7 days. Maximum duration up to 14 days.

The term "sit on buckwheat" can be called a Russian idiom with certainty, because buckwheat occupies a proud place on the table in several countries. Despite the known beneficial properties, it is not eaten in Europe, foreign doctors consider buckwheat exclusively as a medicinal product. Nutritionists' recommendations are based on a high assessment of the usefulness of cereals.

Buckwheat marathon. 14 days

rules for weight loss on buckwheat diet

This is a complex buckwheat diet that requires willpower. But even with the effort of the will, keep in mind that two weeks is a period for the body. Such a marathon is better approached with a mono-diet experience over 3 days.

It’s hard to balance a diet without salt, sugar and oil, just buckwheat-based. You may need the experience of a nutritionist, a visit to the doctor's office to identify the general condition, gastrointestinal diseases and get recommendations.

When you leave a nutritionist with a positive result, advice and approval for your decision, remember that you are at the beginning of the journey. Be patient, take a good mood from intellectual, visual impressions. Give the brain food for thought, change the direction of thought. This will help you get rid of irritability and negativity. Plan outdoor walks, light morning exercises

  • Base: steamed buckwheat, still water 1, 5-2 liters per day.


Chicken breast, soup. Steamed fish. Low fat kefir. Low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt with a minimum percentage of fat. Boiled, steamed, raw vegetables (with caution - white cabbage, except potatoes). Greenery. Vegetable salads without salt, with minimal or no topping. Green tea. Water with ground rod. Suitable: cauliflower, broccoli, red peppers, carrots, beets.

A few

Fruit (not sweet), dried fruit. Sir. Unrefined olive oil. Honey. Chicory. Lemon juice (drop by salad or fish). Fruits, berries: blueberries, green apples, pears, pineapple.

  • Buckwheat for breakfast and lunch, optional for dinner, at least 2 times a day. No oil, salt, sugar. On the water.
  • Eat food in the evening no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Replace
  • Replace coffee with chicory. When used, use unrefined olive oil. Hard cheese, 20 g per week. Natural low-fat yogurt, vegetable soups without potatoes. Vegetables and lettuce, without dressing. White cabbage - carefully has the properties of creating gases.
  • It is important to observe 2-3 days of fasting a week when only buckwheat and water are on the menu. You can have green tea without sugar, mineral water without gas.

Irritability, weakness, dizziness are signals that the diet should be discontinued and gradually abandoned.

Get out of buckwheat paradise

how to get out of buckwheat diet

Properly throwing out buckwheat diet is almost more important than deciding to stick to it! It is easy to put on pounds at this stage.

Make a transitional menu that lasts the same number of days as you ate with the buckwheat method (3 - 14 days), or a complete 14-day diet with a competent output is 28 healthy days, a balanced diet for a month!

Don't overload the menu on the first days of release, especially after a strict mono-diet on buckwheat and water! In this case, it is better to start with rosehip tea with honey instead of fresh, low-fat kefir for dinner. Gradually add cooked and raw vegetables (lettuce), white meat, fish, eggs. Only then go to fruits, juices (freshly diluted with water for at least a third) with a mild effect - pumpkin, carrot. Fresh cheese, yogurt (short shelf life), cheese.

Amazing results come from live buckwheat grain! A simple buckwheat porridge we will treat with a sense of gratitude, cook with love, preserving the healing properties of cereals.